Environmental Stewardship

Aviation allows us to welcome people from around the world to Hawai‘i and transport visitors and our residents throughout our islands. While air transportation is among the cleanest and most efficient methods of transportation, we are nevertheless mindful of the impact our flying has on the environment. We are always looking for opportunities to minimize our carbon footprint in our flight operations as well as at our corporate offices.

Investing in verified carbon offsets

Guests can share our malama (care for) the global environment with high-quality carbon offsets. Through our partnership with Conservation International, these offsets help protect forests around the world.

Get the details here.

Flying Cleaner

Next-Generation Aircraft

Lowering Auxiliary Power Unit Usage

Flying Smarter

Supporting Science

Embracing Green Practices

While flight operations offer us the most impactful opportunities to lower carbon output, our commitment to the environment extends to our ground activities and offices. Learn more about our on ground green initiatives here.

Corporate Kōkua

Caring for Our People, Our Island Home and the Global Environment

Our-People Our People
Exemplifying ho‘okipa (Hawaiian hospitality), the hallmark of our brand promise to our guests, as well as to ourselves.
Our-Home Our Home
Our distinct network of domestic and international transpacific flights, and our robust Neighbor Island schedule of service, symbolize our mission to connect the world to Hawai‘i and link our archipelago.
Our community
Our community